and I found this old blog written AGES ago that I stole from Kerry's Myspace...(when Myspace was popular)... Lol.. Facebook is SO much cooler now!
Anyways, I think we all will read this and take one or two from it.. so here ya go. :)
To Achieve Your Dreams,Remember Your ABCs - by Wanda Carter
A -void negative sources, people, things and habits.
B -elieve in yourself.
C -onsider things from every angle.
D -on't give up and don't give in.
E -njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
F -amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.
G -ive more than you planned to give.
H -ang on to your dreams.
I -gnore those who try to discourage you.
J -ust do it!
K -eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.
L -ove yourself first and foremost.
M -ake it happen.
N -ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.
O -pen your eyes and see things as they really are.
P -ractice makes perfect.
Q -uitters never win and winners never quit.
R -ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.
S -top procrastinating.
T -ake control of your own destiny.
U -nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.
V -isualize it.
W -ant it more than anything.
X -ccelerate your efforts.
Y -ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.
Z -ero in on your target, and go for it!
P.S. I think for me... Stop Procrastinating is my MAIN thing I need to work on! Lol..
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope 2010 brings you HAPPINESS! :) <3
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Holiday Photos for CHEAP!
Ok, so MOST of you, well... ALL of you know that I LOVE photography. I have been slacking A LOT and I feel like I need to get SOME motivation to get out there and get my camera back into the world....
SOOO.. here is my deal.. I KNOW that it's hard out there right now with the economy and jobs BUT I will snap you, your family, you and your DOG, and WHOEVER else you want for the low price of ONLY $50. It's a good price and will get me some photos for my future portfoilio as well. So let me help YOU whilst helping me!
If you want to get pictures done email me your name and number and Ill be willing to drive to you. :)
I dont have my own computer right now, SOOO, what I CAN do, is print them out onto a disk and you may do what you want with them! Let me know if this works for you! :)
My email is:
Hope to hear from you all soon! :)
Happy Holidays
SOOO.. here is my deal.. I KNOW that it's hard out there right now with the economy and jobs BUT I will snap you, your family, you and your DOG, and WHOEVER else you want for the low price of ONLY $50. It's a good price and will get me some photos for my future portfoilio as well. So let me help YOU whilst helping me!
If you want to get pictures done email me your name and number and Ill be willing to drive to you. :)
I dont have my own computer right now, SOOO, what I CAN do, is print them out onto a disk and you may do what you want with them! Let me know if this works for you! :)
My email is:
Hope to hear from you all soon! :)
Happy Holidays
Thursday, November 26, 2009
For Thanksgiving....
I want to write ANOTHER Gratitude list..
The Holidays are here and they are the first ones without my dad. We ALL miss him and it's hard to imagine when we all sit down to eat our Thanksgiving dinner, he wont be there stuffing his face with PIE, even before the BIG MEAL gets set up. I know it will be VERY tough on my mom along with the rest of the family, near or far. I just hope everyone is open to talk about him and share memories even if it's hard. I know I want to and I will. :)
I was just sitting at work and I wanted to tell everyone what I am THANKFUL for this year even though it's been a VERY rough year for me and others in the world, AND we should ALL hate 2009! I am sure most of you do but here it goes anyways....
This YEAR I am thanksful for:
*My family.

I love my brother, Travis, his wife, Amanda and ESPECIALLY my mom, Marilyn. Since everything has happened I feel like we have all became a BIT closer and tried as hard as we could to make things a bit happier around the house. I appreciate them ALL, whether there is fighting, hard times, rough times, and great times. They help me in their own little ways. :) RIP Daddy. :(
*The money that I HAVE made at my new job
*Nail Polish
*My clouded thoughts at times, they help me think.
*Good choices and Bad choices, they have made me who I am today.
*My journal. It helps, believe me.
*Pictures, like I have said, they help me remember.
*My cell phone and TEXTING.. I am ALWAYS texting!
*MY BFF Marte. (and her ability to shoot GREAT photos..Lol).. I am joking. :)

We have had CRAZY, wild, and AMAZING nights out. Even if it was INSIDE one of our houses with drunk bitches and chicken dip, going out, at a pool, bar hopping, or New Years with CRAZY MEN, Lol, she has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be the greatest friend I have ever had. She doesnt judge me when I do something irresponsible. She is ALWAYS by my side. Ready to get in trouble, stay OUT of trouble or beat girls up and take their cameras. Lol. I am thankful that I met her and got to know her as well as I do. I love her for her personality, her long, flowing Martaylor Kardashian hair, lol, and her amount of confidence, love, and respect she has in herself and finds in others. She has given bad, good, and GREAT advice to me and I took it however I could at the time. She has helped me through GREAT times and the WORST times of my life. She has been the shoulder for me to cry on and the ear to listen to ALL my problems when I had an UNFAIR amount, at one point in my life...and believe me it was ROUGH.. I am thankful for her and her CUNT-ISH ways and always will be. Lol. :) Martitty I love you. (CC) FO' LIFE. Lol.
*Alcohol, lol, sometimes I like to forget things, but then take it too far...and in that case:
*My dog Farley.

He helps me remember that life should be a bit more happier. He is always wagging his tail and stuffing his face. We should learn more from how our animals act. :)
*Thanksgiving and all the food that it brings.
*Love letters
*My past, it helped me become who I am today.
*Books. I LOVE to read
*Cooking classes, (Kerry?)...Lol
*Bubble wrap..I think its FUN!
*Coffee, because it helps me stay awake to write this stuff... Lol.
*Spongebob, cause he ALSO helps me stay awake.
*ALLLLL of my friends. You know who you are. You know what each one of you bring to the table in our friendship and I love you all.
*The moment I open my eyes from a long night/morning of sleep. I know that I made it to another day.
*Diet coke
*The gym, even though I NEVER go, but I will try and make it a point to start.
*Subway, cause sometimes its better to eat fresh.
*Sushi. Yum.
*Softbaked cookies.
*The smell of Pumpkin Pie in the oven.
*etc, etc, etc.....
I could go on and on.. I am thankful for a lot and my list may start to BORE you, OR make you smile. I think I have made a point. Lol.
Thank you all for reading and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
The Holidays are here and they are the first ones without my dad. We ALL miss him and it's hard to imagine when we all sit down to eat our Thanksgiving dinner, he wont be there stuffing his face with PIE, even before the BIG MEAL gets set up. I know it will be VERY tough on my mom along with the rest of the family, near or far. I just hope everyone is open to talk about him and share memories even if it's hard. I know I want to and I will. :)
I was just sitting at work and I wanted to tell everyone what I am THANKFUL for this year even though it's been a VERY rough year for me and others in the world, AND we should ALL hate 2009! I am sure most of you do but here it goes anyways....
This YEAR I am thanksful for:
*My family.

I love my brother, Travis, his wife, Amanda and ESPECIALLY my mom, Marilyn. Since everything has happened I feel like we have all became a BIT closer and tried as hard as we could to make things a bit happier around the house. I appreciate them ALL, whether there is fighting, hard times, rough times, and great times. They help me in their own little ways. :) RIP Daddy. :(
*The money that I HAVE made at my new job
*Nail Polish
*My clouded thoughts at times, they help me think.
*Good choices and Bad choices, they have made me who I am today.
*My journal. It helps, believe me.
*Pictures, like I have said, they help me remember.
*My cell phone and TEXTING.. I am ALWAYS texting!
*MY BFF Marte. (and her ability to shoot GREAT photos..Lol).. I am joking. :)

We have had CRAZY, wild, and AMAZING nights out. Even if it was INSIDE one of our houses with drunk bitches and chicken dip, going out, at a pool, bar hopping, or New Years with CRAZY MEN, Lol, she has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be the greatest friend I have ever had. She doesnt judge me when I do something irresponsible. She is ALWAYS by my side. Ready to get in trouble, stay OUT of trouble or beat girls up and take their cameras. Lol. I am thankful that I met her and got to know her as well as I do. I love her for her personality, her long, flowing Martaylor Kardashian hair, lol, and her amount of confidence, love, and respect she has in herself and finds in others. She has given bad, good, and GREAT advice to me and I took it however I could at the time. She has helped me through GREAT times and the WORST times of my life. She has been the shoulder for me to cry on and the ear to listen to ALL my problems when I had an UNFAIR amount, at one point in my life...and believe me it was ROUGH.. I am thankful for her and her CUNT-ISH ways and always will be. Lol. :) Martitty I love you. (CC) FO' LIFE. Lol.
*Alcohol, lol, sometimes I like to forget things, but then take it too far...and in that case:
*My dog Farley.

He helps me remember that life should be a bit more happier. He is always wagging his tail and stuffing his face. We should learn more from how our animals act. :)
*Thanksgiving and all the food that it brings.
*Love letters
*My past, it helped me become who I am today.
*Books. I LOVE to read
*Cooking classes, (Kerry?)...Lol
*Bubble wrap..I think its FUN!
*Coffee, because it helps me stay awake to write this stuff... Lol.
*Spongebob, cause he ALSO helps me stay awake.
*ALLLLL of my friends. You know who you are. You know what each one of you bring to the table in our friendship and I love you all.
*The moment I open my eyes from a long night/morning of sleep. I know that I made it to another day.
*Diet coke
*The gym, even though I NEVER go, but I will try and make it a point to start.
*Subway, cause sometimes its better to eat fresh.
*Sushi. Yum.
*Softbaked cookies.
*The smell of Pumpkin Pie in the oven.
*etc, etc, etc.....
I could go on and on.. I am thankful for a lot and my list may start to BORE you, OR make you smile. I think I have made a point. Lol.
Thank you all for reading and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Well, I felt like writing a BLOG and I am not sure why... right now at 5:06am? I can tell you this much, I am wide awake from the coffee I INHALED and the Bagel Bites that filled me up. I have SO many thoughts running through my head ALL the time that I never know where to begin with these things.... so I have a journal that I write ANY thought I am having, down. ANY thought... for example. How I am cold. How I feel about people, how I miss my dad... and so on and so forth... It's for me and it helps. If I want to go back and read ANYTHING that I was thinking about on a particular day, I can. There are other things in there that are personal, but I can't always write EVERYTHING I feel in here. People may be upset. Lol.
I was going through some pictures the other day and I came across the photo that I JUST took of Farley. He JUST turned 5 in Sept and his age is showing. I hope he is around for a LONG time. I DO NOT think that I will be able to handle him NOT being here but when that day comes, Ill deal.. take a week off work and cry myself to sleep EVERY NIGHT. Lol.. Anyways, here it is:

Here is another favorite of mine:

You may have seen these on my Myspace or Facebook but I wanted to share them with those of you who I don't know. :)
I was going through some pictures the other day and I came across the photo that I JUST took of Farley. He JUST turned 5 in Sept and his age is showing. I hope he is around for a LONG time. I DO NOT think that I will be able to handle him NOT being here but when that day comes, Ill deal.. take a week off work and cry myself to sleep EVERY NIGHT. Lol.. Anyways, here it is:

Here is another favorite of mine:

You may have seen these on my Myspace or Facebook but I wanted to share them with those of you who I don't know. :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thanks for the thought...<3
My Gratitude List.
-My 8 hours alone at work on GRAVE. Sometimes you never get enough alone time.
-My FACEBOOK. It lets me know I have friends. Ha ha.
-Photos in my hat box. It helps me remember.
-Thoughts of my dad. I miss him more each day. As I was looking thru my hat box I found more photos of him that I am going to eventually hang up in frames. I remember.
-My bed. Oh how I wouldnt be able to sleep without it.
-Farley. He is my love even though he smells like DEATH.
-Driving time. Sometimes I like to practice my singing when I drive and no ones in the car with me. I want to be a singer but I don't have the guts.
-Life. Enough said.
-YOU. Because you make my life happy and simple. <3
-Rain. Because I love to kiss in it.
-My mom. She is the rock for all of us and she tries to always make things better before they are worse.
-My friends. Close or not. You still have an impact on my life and you all fit into my life puzzle somehow.
-Ice cream. DAMN YOU Ice Cream!
-My 8 hours alone at work on GRAVE. Sometimes you never get enough alone time.
-My FACEBOOK. It lets me know I have friends. Ha ha.
-Photos in my hat box. It helps me remember.
-Thoughts of my dad. I miss him more each day. As I was looking thru my hat box I found more photos of him that I am going to eventually hang up in frames. I remember.
-My bed. Oh how I wouldnt be able to sleep without it.
-Farley. He is my love even though he smells like DEATH.
-Driving time. Sometimes I like to practice my singing when I drive and no ones in the car with me. I want to be a singer but I don't have the guts.
-Life. Enough said.
-YOU. Because you make my life happy and simple. <3
-Rain. Because I love to kiss in it.
-My mom. She is the rock for all of us and she tries to always make things better before they are worse.
-My friends. Close or not. You still have an impact on my life and you all fit into my life puzzle somehow.
-Ice cream. DAMN YOU Ice Cream!
Monday, November 9, 2009
We will be VICTORRRRIOUS....
I have been jammin out to Muse lately while at work. It could be because I bring up my Myspace and thats the song on my profile, as well as the first song on my Facebook Ipod music thingy... Lol. I like the song Uprising by them right now. It's a good one. Some of their old shit I don't like but this new song makes me want to buy their new album. We will see if in the next few weeks I give in and buy it.
Well, I am tired. I have been working a lot of graves lately and I don't mind, I just need to get into the habit of sleeping during the day a bit. I got SOME sleep today....about 5 hours or so and then woke up to come to work from midnight to 8am. It's quiet here and there and sometimes I get freaked out being here all alone but I have Facebook, Myspace, HULU and of course aolradio, WHEN I remember to put it on, otherwise like I said, I jam out to Muse. Not a lot has been going on with me. I am working, hanging out, and living life. I know a lot of you know about the whole camera situation at hand. If you don't please read this link:
Now they said, the DAY after this aired that they were going to be putting it on The Today Show. OBVIOUSLY that never happened or I would have attached that link too. Lol. The camerman from The Today Show came over, interviewed me and told me to watch between 7am and 9am. At about 7:30am MY time and 10:30am, Eastern time, my friend Nolan that lives in CT, text me and told me he had been watching for about 3 hours and he saw NOTHING about the camera story. So, I call Shannon, the DETECTIVE, Lol, and she got a hold of someone else that EVENTUALLY told us after an hour of going back and forth, that they didnt know when it was going to air. SO, I will keep you ALL informed. :)
Other than that, there is pretty much nothing too exciting happening with me. My life is simple. Easy. I am finally breathing more and learning to just take it one day at a time. :)
I hope everyone else is doing ok and if I have anything else exciting to write about, I will.
Well, I am tired. I have been working a lot of graves lately and I don't mind, I just need to get into the habit of sleeping during the day a bit. I got SOME sleep today....about 5 hours or so and then woke up to come to work from midnight to 8am. It's quiet here and there and sometimes I get freaked out being here all alone but I have Facebook, Myspace, HULU and of course aolradio, WHEN I remember to put it on, otherwise like I said, I jam out to Muse. Not a lot has been going on with me. I am working, hanging out, and living life. I know a lot of you know about the whole camera situation at hand. If you don't please read this link:
Now they said, the DAY after this aired that they were going to be putting it on The Today Show. OBVIOUSLY that never happened or I would have attached that link too. Lol. The camerman from The Today Show came over, interviewed me and told me to watch between 7am and 9am. At about 7:30am MY time and 10:30am, Eastern time, my friend Nolan that lives in CT, text me and told me he had been watching for about 3 hours and he saw NOTHING about the camera story. So, I call Shannon, the DETECTIVE, Lol, and she got a hold of someone else that EVENTUALLY told us after an hour of going back and forth, that they didnt know when it was going to air. SO, I will keep you ALL informed. :)
Other than that, there is pretty much nothing too exciting happening with me. My life is simple. Easy. I am finally breathing more and learning to just take it one day at a time. :)
I hope everyone else is doing ok and if I have anything else exciting to write about, I will.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Chris Farley Show...
Here I sit at work. It's 6:10am and I have YET to close my eyes to take an itty bitty nap. I hear the TV on out in the other room with Gospel music blaring from the speakers and I wonder WHO in their right mind ACTUALLY wakes up at 6:00am to watch church on TELEVISION? It's kind of weird to me, but whatever, to each their own.
Not much has been going on with me lately. I mean I have changed jobs, my way of thinking about LIFE, and if you haven't noticed, MEN. LOL. I feel more relaxed, more calm, and more certain with things going on. Not everything is PERFECT but I know it will get there, or close to it. I had some rough months that just came and went and I am glad they are ALL behind me. People that I didn't NEED in my life are NOW out and I am thankful for all the people that I can TRULY count on ALL the time. You can only count your real friends on ONE hand they say, and I agree. You can have a plethora of friends but which ones will really stay by your side in the end? 10 yrs from now? 20 yrs from now? I mean we all grow up and move forward in life so you never know who will grow up and move forward with you. I am just happy about the ones that I have grown up and moved forward with. All in all, I am very happy now...more than JUST VERY.... EXTREMELY. I just can't put it into words right now, but for me.. LIFE is simple at this moment. I may have some bad and hard times eventually but I am just content with how things are and I hope they stay this way for a while. A long while.
I don't really know where all this is coming from. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially here at work when the phones are not ringing off the hook. I have a lot of time to myself more so than I have had in the past few months and it's nice. I mean, I don't like to be alone too long but when I am, I enjoy it.
Anyways, besides all that, I brought this new book to work with me to read. It's called, "The Chris Farley Show".. I have had 8 hours to read it but I have chosen hour 7 to start it.....WHAT?! I had a lot of facebooking, myspacing, youtubing, and huluing to do. I am a hard worker over here. Lol.
Ill try and blog some more when I have something INTERESTING to talk about.
Not much has been going on with me lately. I mean I have changed jobs, my way of thinking about LIFE, and if you haven't noticed, MEN. LOL. I feel more relaxed, more calm, and more certain with things going on. Not everything is PERFECT but I know it will get there, or close to it. I had some rough months that just came and went and I am glad they are ALL behind me. People that I didn't NEED in my life are NOW out and I am thankful for all the people that I can TRULY count on ALL the time. You can only count your real friends on ONE hand they say, and I agree. You can have a plethora of friends but which ones will really stay by your side in the end? 10 yrs from now? 20 yrs from now? I mean we all grow up and move forward in life so you never know who will grow up and move forward with you. I am just happy about the ones that I have grown up and moved forward with. All in all, I am very happy now...more than JUST VERY.... EXTREMELY. I just can't put it into words right now, but for me.. LIFE is simple at this moment. I may have some bad and hard times eventually but I am just content with how things are and I hope they stay this way for a while. A long while.
I don't really know where all this is coming from. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially here at work when the phones are not ringing off the hook. I have a lot of time to myself more so than I have had in the past few months and it's nice. I mean, I don't like to be alone too long but when I am, I enjoy it.
Anyways, besides all that, I brought this new book to work with me to read. It's called, "The Chris Farley Show".. I have had 8 hours to read it but I have chosen hour 7 to start it.....WHAT?! I had a lot of facebooking, myspacing, youtubing, and huluing to do. I am a hard worker over here. Lol.
Ill try and blog some more when I have something INTERESTING to talk about.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I never rant about LOVE but here it is...
WHAT is Love?
If you care to go over the 9 definitions that Webster's Dictionary has on their website, feel free. It's there in plain lettering explaining what it is supposed to "mean". It even throws in the definition; "a score of zero (as in tennis)". Really? I would think that might be in a different "definition" part of the dictionary? Anyways..
I wish that someone could EXPLAIN this whole Love thing to me and what it is supposed to really be like, I have had my share of LOVE and I LOVE, LOVE so don't get me wrong here but, like they say in "He's Just Not That Into You", when a boy in elementary school pushes you down or throws dirt in your face, it's supposed to be CUTE and taken as, "HE has a CRUSH on you." Oh... IS THAT what that means? Well, cause I thought that a boy pushing you down, throwing dirt in your face, and breaking your heart was supposed to be FROWNED UPON. Kind of like "masturbating on an airplane".. (HAHA Marte).
Anyways MY POINT, or somewhat a rant, Why is it when you give yourself to someone COMPLETELY and want nothing but to have them near you FOREVER, marry them, have their kids, grow old with them, they mess up, which makes you push them AWAY but STILL WANT them? I have seen a MILLION cases INCLUDING my own. I guess what I am saying is WHAT is LOVE? We all have our definitions.
Girls Say:
LOVE IS when a guy buys you flowers and shows you how much he loves you on a regular day of the week and NOT just on HOLIDAYS or special occasions.
LOVE IS when he gets along with your friends and makes an effort to be in the "circle". WHAT does it matter when no one liked him anyways?
LOVE IS when he buys you ice cream when you're sad or sick and makes you laugh when you are crying, even when its HIM that makes you cry.
LOVE IS when he writes you small notes telling you he loves you and leaves them all over the place so you find them as you are leaving or coming home.
LOVE IS when you and him spend time with each other and just "click", with an occasional fight. (It supposedly shows you care right?)
LOVE IS when he buys you the most EXPENSIVE diamond and proposes to you in the most romantic way.
LOVE IS when he buys you the most EXPENSIVE WEDDING because he KNOWS how HAPPY it will make you... etc, etc, etc...
The list can go ON AND ON of what LOVE is supposed to be. We were taught as YOUNG girls that your future BOYFRIEND/HUSBANDS were supposed to be like Prince Charming, from Snow White, Cinderella, and of course the CLASSIC, Sleeping Beauty. In reality, our lives somewhat go like the fairytale I have come to LOVE, BEAUTY and THE BEAST. OR SHREK? It JUST depends on the situation and honestly how cute of a couple you are...LOL. (if your bf looks like SHREK, id get out NOW.)
You see, us girls are all delicate and SCARED to love BEASTS, but we do. We give them LOVE, we care for them, tell them how IMPORTANT they are and NO MATTER how much we resent them for breaking our hearts and doing shitty things, we tend to fall into patterns with the SAME kind of guys or hang on to the ones that we SHOULD let go. I am guilty and I know a few girls who are JUST as guilty. You tend to love the FAULTS of all the beasts you come across, fall in love with and sometimes sleep with a few times...(I guess I should stop referring to ALL of them as BEASTS because we know there are a FEW Prince Charmings left who ONLY bring out the BEASTS when we WANT it most and some girls...well they are NOT all BEAUTIES.. GNOOOMEEE SAYIN?)... LOL.
I hate that when a girl OR boy, takes the time to make their significant other the most IMPORTANT person in their lives, takes them to meet their family, spend an OUTRAGEOUS amount of time with that person and do EVERYTHING to show them that they are WANTED and NEEDED, and then messes it up because they needed an "ego boost"... OH? I thought this whole time, I WAS giving you that and making you realize that for ONCE, someone could actually LOVE YOU and give you their heart. Instead you take it, trample it, treat it like garbage and ruin the trust they have because you are insecure and need to break THEIR HEARTS before you are the one crying yourself to sleep every night. I don't get the whole "LOVE" thing and to be honest I probably never will. I don't get girls or boys and their attempt at life. I think that I have been an amazing person with a big heart and I try and do everything right when I am in a relationship. I always get the shitty end of the stick because, I am NAIVE and TRUST too much. I love too much. I give too much. I find myself pondering the days before when life was easy and being a kid was the best. No worries, no loss of ANYTHING, not even a dumb boy pushing me down on the playground could make me UPSET. (PLUS, I'd just grab my big brother and he would take care of it..) I don't have the RIGHT DEFINITION for LOVE, I HAVE MY DEFINITION and thats all i need. Everyone considers LOVE to be different.
I have been going through some stuff in my head lately. Thinking about things for me, my future and what's best for me. It always comes back to HIM. I get confused, don't wanna talk to him, don't wanna STRESS, CRY, WORRY, or anything else that comes with a "messed up" relationship, but I think THATS what LOVE IS.... Well to me anyways... I guess CRAZINESS, being passionate, and HOPING that SOON that person that broke your heart a few times will MAN UP and change for the better. That YES we ALL make mistakes, but you hope they learn from them after SO long. That when its good its good but when it's ROUGH, its rough. HARD times, good times, and the SHITTIEST times. Someone who KNOWS how to push your buttons and make you see things THEIR way along with yours. Someone that can look at you and KNOW when you are upset, happy, or angry with them. Someone that can tell you, you have 6 smiles. (sorry I know I stole that from Win a Date With Tad Hamilton but come on... its a cute movie)..Someone that wants to FIGHT and FIGHT FOR YOU and will do anything to win you back after breaking up over and over. It's not healthy to some people and I understand that. I am not saying IT IS... I am not saying ANYTHING that he has done was good but there have been way more GREAT times than BAD. I am JUST SAYING how I feel right now and no conclusions have been made about MY LIFE, OUR RELATIONSHIP, OR the outcome of anything. I am simply ranting.
I don't know what the future holds for me in my LIFE, relationships and career and Ill find out sooner than later. Like I said in my last blog, I see the glass half FULL rather than HALF EMPTY. After all the SHIT that I have been through, I should see it half empty and GIVE UP on EVERYTHING but I can't.
I was in CHURCH yesterday with my family and the pastor was talking about how we should NEVER DWELL on the PAST. It makes you sick, stunts your growth, ruins how you look at life, makes you bitter and turns you into a CRAZY BITCH.. I would know.. and WELL, easier said than done I guess, its never easy to just forget. Its not easy to forget the HORRIBLE things that the ONE PERSON you confided in, called your BEST FRIEND, YOUR soulmate and gave your ALL too, has done, because if someone cared about you THAT MUCH they wouldnt have messed up SO badly. I CAN tell you this. I am living ONE day at a time living my life as a BEAUTY, hoping to find my BEAST whether he lies ahead in the future OR he is ALREADY in my life waiting to break out into his Prince Charming.
That is all. AND I am sorry if I am ALL over the place but I have a movie BLASTING LOUD in my ear... damn surround sound. LOL.
Til next time.
WHAT is Love?
If you care to go over the 9 definitions that Webster's Dictionary has on their website, feel free. It's there in plain lettering explaining what it is supposed to "mean". It even throws in the definition; "a score of zero (as in tennis)". Really? I would think that might be in a different "definition" part of the dictionary? Anyways..
I wish that someone could EXPLAIN this whole Love thing to me and what it is supposed to really be like, I have had my share of LOVE and I LOVE, LOVE so don't get me wrong here but, like they say in "He's Just Not That Into You", when a boy in elementary school pushes you down or throws dirt in your face, it's supposed to be CUTE and taken as, "HE has a CRUSH on you." Oh... IS THAT what that means? Well, cause I thought that a boy pushing you down, throwing dirt in your face, and breaking your heart was supposed to be FROWNED UPON. Kind of like "masturbating on an airplane".. (HAHA Marte).
Anyways MY POINT, or somewhat a rant, Why is it when you give yourself to someone COMPLETELY and want nothing but to have them near you FOREVER, marry them, have their kids, grow old with them, they mess up, which makes you push them AWAY but STILL WANT them? I have seen a MILLION cases INCLUDING my own. I guess what I am saying is WHAT is LOVE? We all have our definitions.
Girls Say:
LOVE IS when a guy buys you flowers and shows you how much he loves you on a regular day of the week and NOT just on HOLIDAYS or special occasions.
LOVE IS when he gets along with your friends and makes an effort to be in the "circle". WHAT does it matter when no one liked him anyways?
LOVE IS when he buys you ice cream when you're sad or sick and makes you laugh when you are crying, even when its HIM that makes you cry.
LOVE IS when he writes you small notes telling you he loves you and leaves them all over the place so you find them as you are leaving or coming home.
LOVE IS when you and him spend time with each other and just "click", with an occasional fight. (It supposedly shows you care right?)
LOVE IS when he buys you the most EXPENSIVE diamond and proposes to you in the most romantic way.
LOVE IS when he buys you the most EXPENSIVE WEDDING because he KNOWS how HAPPY it will make you... etc, etc, etc...
The list can go ON AND ON of what LOVE is supposed to be. We were taught as YOUNG girls that your future BOYFRIEND/HUSBANDS were supposed to be like Prince Charming, from Snow White, Cinderella, and of course the CLASSIC, Sleeping Beauty. In reality, our lives somewhat go like the fairytale I have come to LOVE, BEAUTY and THE BEAST. OR SHREK? It JUST depends on the situation and honestly how cute of a couple you are...LOL. (if your bf looks like SHREK, id get out NOW.)
You see, us girls are all delicate and SCARED to love BEASTS, but we do. We give them LOVE, we care for them, tell them how IMPORTANT they are and NO MATTER how much we resent them for breaking our hearts and doing shitty things, we tend to fall into patterns with the SAME kind of guys or hang on to the ones that we SHOULD let go. I am guilty and I know a few girls who are JUST as guilty. You tend to love the FAULTS of all the beasts you come across, fall in love with and sometimes sleep with a few times...(I guess I should stop referring to ALL of them as BEASTS because we know there are a FEW Prince Charmings left who ONLY bring out the BEASTS when we WANT it most and some girls...well they are NOT all BEAUTIES.. GNOOOMEEE SAYIN?)... LOL.
I hate that when a girl OR boy, takes the time to make their significant other the most IMPORTANT person in their lives, takes them to meet their family, spend an OUTRAGEOUS amount of time with that person and do EVERYTHING to show them that they are WANTED and NEEDED, and then messes it up because they needed an "ego boost"... OH? I thought this whole time, I WAS giving you that and making you realize that for ONCE, someone could actually LOVE YOU and give you their heart. Instead you take it, trample it, treat it like garbage and ruin the trust they have because you are insecure and need to break THEIR HEARTS before you are the one crying yourself to sleep every night. I don't get the whole "LOVE" thing and to be honest I probably never will. I don't get girls or boys and their attempt at life. I think that I have been an amazing person with a big heart and I try and do everything right when I am in a relationship. I always get the shitty end of the stick because, I am NAIVE and TRUST too much. I love too much. I give too much. I find myself pondering the days before when life was easy and being a kid was the best. No worries, no loss of ANYTHING, not even a dumb boy pushing me down on the playground could make me UPSET. (PLUS, I'd just grab my big brother and he would take care of it..) I don't have the RIGHT DEFINITION for LOVE, I HAVE MY DEFINITION and thats all i need. Everyone considers LOVE to be different.
I have been going through some stuff in my head lately. Thinking about things for me, my future and what's best for me. It always comes back to HIM. I get confused, don't wanna talk to him, don't wanna STRESS, CRY, WORRY, or anything else that comes with a "messed up" relationship, but I think THATS what LOVE IS.... Well to me anyways... I guess CRAZINESS, being passionate, and HOPING that SOON that person that broke your heart a few times will MAN UP and change for the better. That YES we ALL make mistakes, but you hope they learn from them after SO long. That when its good its good but when it's ROUGH, its rough. HARD times, good times, and the SHITTIEST times. Someone who KNOWS how to push your buttons and make you see things THEIR way along with yours. Someone that can look at you and KNOW when you are upset, happy, or angry with them. Someone that can tell you, you have 6 smiles. (sorry I know I stole that from Win a Date With Tad Hamilton but come on... its a cute movie)..Someone that wants to FIGHT and FIGHT FOR YOU and will do anything to win you back after breaking up over and over. It's not healthy to some people and I understand that. I am not saying IT IS... I am not saying ANYTHING that he has done was good but there have been way more GREAT times than BAD. I am JUST SAYING how I feel right now and no conclusions have been made about MY LIFE, OUR RELATIONSHIP, OR the outcome of anything. I am simply ranting.
I don't know what the future holds for me in my LIFE, relationships and career and Ill find out sooner than later. Like I said in my last blog, I see the glass half FULL rather than HALF EMPTY. After all the SHIT that I have been through, I should see it half empty and GIVE UP on EVERYTHING but I can't.
I was in CHURCH yesterday with my family and the pastor was talking about how we should NEVER DWELL on the PAST. It makes you sick, stunts your growth, ruins how you look at life, makes you bitter and turns you into a CRAZY BITCH.. I would know.. and WELL, easier said than done I guess, its never easy to just forget. Its not easy to forget the HORRIBLE things that the ONE PERSON you confided in, called your BEST FRIEND, YOUR soulmate and gave your ALL too, has done, because if someone cared about you THAT MUCH they wouldnt have messed up SO badly. I CAN tell you this. I am living ONE day at a time living my life as a BEAUTY, hoping to find my BEAST whether he lies ahead in the future OR he is ALREADY in my life waiting to break out into his Prince Charming.
That is all. AND I am sorry if I am ALL over the place but I have a movie BLASTING LOUD in my ear... damn surround sound. LOL.
Til next time.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This is life.....
So, here I sit. Unemployed, missing my dad and wishing my life was not so fucked up. I know I don't have it as bad as a lot of people so I am not complaining, just needing to vent.
In 2 months, I have lost:
A baby.
My dad.
My job.
How I have coped and stayed SANE thrpugh all of this, I have no idea. I guess I have had the best family and the greatest friends to keep me going. I wake up around 9:30am, or later everyday, eat breakfast and then watch movies OR if my mom wants me to, I go with her to run errands. I have not minded relaxing these past few days and I plan on looking for a new job soon. I am just NOT in a rush. After everything I have been through this is the little vaykay that I need. I need to mentally prepare myself for the future that lies ahead, WHATEVER that may be.
I thought about traveling in my lame Ford Focus, taking pictures and selling them around the U.S. but I have NO MONEY, bills to help with around the house, AND my car is NOT registered.. I thought about moving to another state to get away from EVERYTHING and change my life and future but then I thought about how I have NO MONEY, bills to help with around the house, AND my car is NOT REGISTERED.. LOL.. Also, I would be leaving my friends and family who I love and care about and need me more than anything right now. So, both plans are NOT going to go happen. I guess in a way I am trying to run away from a few things weighing on my mind and I don't think it's the right answer. So, here I will stay and here I will be until I decide to leave. Anyone wanna move with me? Say in about, 2 or 3 years? LOL.
I am thankful for everything good that I have been blessed with and all the GOOD things that have happened to me. I can't say that I am one of those people that always thinks negative, when NO MATTER WHAT, I think of the glass half full, instead of half empty. I love my life regardless of all the stress, pain, and bad things I endure because it makes me a stronger person and it makes me appreciate life more. SO, I needed a quick vent and BELIEVE ME, I shall be back in a while to vent some more.
Thanks for listening. :)
In 2 months, I have lost:
A baby.
My dad.
My job.
How I have coped and stayed SANE thrpugh all of this, I have no idea. I guess I have had the best family and the greatest friends to keep me going. I wake up around 9:30am, or later everyday, eat breakfast and then watch movies OR if my mom wants me to, I go with her to run errands. I have not minded relaxing these past few days and I plan on looking for a new job soon. I am just NOT in a rush. After everything I have been through this is the little vaykay that I need. I need to mentally prepare myself for the future that lies ahead, WHATEVER that may be.
I thought about traveling in my lame Ford Focus, taking pictures and selling them around the U.S. but I have NO MONEY, bills to help with around the house, AND my car is NOT registered.. I thought about moving to another state to get away from EVERYTHING and change my life and future but then I thought about how I have NO MONEY, bills to help with around the house, AND my car is NOT REGISTERED.. LOL.. Also, I would be leaving my friends and family who I love and care about and need me more than anything right now. So, both plans are NOT going to go happen. I guess in a way I am trying to run away from a few things weighing on my mind and I don't think it's the right answer. So, here I will stay and here I will be until I decide to leave. Anyone wanna move with me? Say in about, 2 or 3 years? LOL.
I am thankful for everything good that I have been blessed with and all the GOOD things that have happened to me. I can't say that I am one of those people that always thinks negative, when NO MATTER WHAT, I think of the glass half full, instead of half empty. I love my life regardless of all the stress, pain, and bad things I endure because it makes me a stronger person and it makes me appreciate life more. SO, I needed a quick vent and BELIEVE ME, I shall be back in a while to vent some more.
Thanks for listening. :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Updates: (everyone else is doing it. LOL)
Well, as most of you know, heard or have read, my father passed away on the 11th of June. A day I will NEVER forget. After almost a month of planning, calling family, and grieving, we are having his memorial THIS Thursday on the 2nd at 11am. We weren't sure what time it was going to be, until this past Sunday after my mom talked to the Pastor. So, now everything is set and we are ready to honor him as much as we can that day. It's been rough and I have my days where I do nothing but think of him and how sad I am that he is NOT here, but I get thru it and keep on truckin'. I miss him more and more everyday. People say it's supposed to "get easier" but to be honest, I think it only gets easier to hide the tears and the pain because I feel it everyday. My mom brought him home in his urn last week. It is SO nice and on the outside is a place for a picture. We placed the picture of him in his white tux at my brother's wedding in it. He is in my moms bedroom safe and sound, where she can say goodnight to him everynight and good morning when she wakes up. It's going to be a good service and I hope whoever reads this and WANTS to attend that they do. Please call me or my brother and we can give you directions. :)
On another note, I am back to work, doing well, and as happy as I can be most days. If there are any other updates that I have MISSED out on, Ill be sure to add them in another blog sometime soon. I will also add pictures of me and my dad when I find them all. :) I want to make sure I have them saved as many places as possible and so everyone can see them. :)
On another note, I am back to work, doing well, and as happy as I can be most days. If there are any other updates that I have MISSED out on, Ill be sure to add them in another blog sometime soon. I will also add pictures of me and my dad when I find them all. :) I want to make sure I have them saved as many places as possible and so everyone can see them. :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
In Loving Memory
Joseph Matthew Flynn

As most of you know, my amazing and loving father, Joseph Matthew Flynn, passed away on June 11th, 2009. I am DISTRAUGHT. Sad. Emotional. Confused. Angry. Depressed. There are just too many feelings that are going thru my head and heart to describe. I am literally fighting back tears while I sit here at work, catching up, and trying to get back into life's routine. We don't know what happened yet, but we will get the results back from his autopsy in about a month.
Since it happened, I find myself feeling regret about not spending enough time with him, not telling him that I loved him enough, and not telling him good night before he laid down and went to bed that night. ALL he EVER did was love me, my brother and my mom WAY too much and wanted nothing but the best for us. Even though he wasnt rich with money, he was rich with love and gave nothing but that EVERYDAY. I miss him more and more as each day goes by. I know my dad would not want me or the rest of my family to sit around and mope. He would have wanted us to be happy and keep on living with huge smiles on our faces. I just know I am going to miss HIS smile, his laugh, his stories that he loved to tell over and over again, the way he would get mad when me and my brother used to fight, the way he would yell at me when I was behind on my bills and being irresponsible, (which was all the time), the way he would ALWAYS make sure I was ok with GAS, FOOD, LIFE, because if not he would try and give me HIS money to make sure I was, even if it was the last few dollars in his wallet. What I will miss the most is the way he loved us all SO MUCH. To me, he was AMAZING. He was the BEST pool player I have ever encountered and the best dad anyone could ask for. He told the lamest jokes, would always yell "WHAT!!?" because his hearing was going out, and he tried to repeat things I said, but it wasn't what I said at all, because he thought I said something completely different then what came out of my mouth. If you don't understand, I guess you had to be there.... LOL. he was cheesy, sweet, funny, sarcastic, and always had food in his mustache. He was SO great and I am going to miss everything about him. He was there for me thru the hardest times and I appreciate everything that he has ever done for me. He wanted nothing more than for me to be happy and live my life the way I wanted. I am like him in more ways than one, ESPECIALLY in the NOSE area. LOL There were so many GREAT qualities about my dad that I wish everyone would have gotten to see. There are so many more memories and stories that I could write out but then I would be at work ALL night. LOL He is going to be missed forever. May he rest in peace.
I love you daddy,

As most of you know, my amazing and loving father, Joseph Matthew Flynn, passed away on June 11th, 2009. I am DISTRAUGHT. Sad. Emotional. Confused. Angry. Depressed. There are just too many feelings that are going thru my head and heart to describe. I am literally fighting back tears while I sit here at work, catching up, and trying to get back into life's routine. We don't know what happened yet, but we will get the results back from his autopsy in about a month.
Since it happened, I find myself feeling regret about not spending enough time with him, not telling him that I loved him enough, and not telling him good night before he laid down and went to bed that night. ALL he EVER did was love me, my brother and my mom WAY too much and wanted nothing but the best for us. Even though he wasnt rich with money, he was rich with love and gave nothing but that EVERYDAY. I miss him more and more as each day goes by. I know my dad would not want me or the rest of my family to sit around and mope. He would have wanted us to be happy and keep on living with huge smiles on our faces. I just know I am going to miss HIS smile, his laugh, his stories that he loved to tell over and over again, the way he would get mad when me and my brother used to fight, the way he would yell at me when I was behind on my bills and being irresponsible, (which was all the time), the way he would ALWAYS make sure I was ok with GAS, FOOD, LIFE, because if not he would try and give me HIS money to make sure I was, even if it was the last few dollars in his wallet. What I will miss the most is the way he loved us all SO MUCH. To me, he was AMAZING. He was the BEST pool player I have ever encountered and the best dad anyone could ask for. He told the lamest jokes, would always yell "WHAT!!?" because his hearing was going out, and he tried to repeat things I said, but it wasn't what I said at all, because he thought I said something completely different then what came out of my mouth. If you don't understand, I guess you had to be there.... LOL. he was cheesy, sweet, funny, sarcastic, and always had food in his mustache. He was SO great and I am going to miss everything about him. He was there for me thru the hardest times and I appreciate everything that he has ever done for me. He wanted nothing more than for me to be happy and live my life the way I wanted. I am like him in more ways than one, ESPECIALLY in the NOSE area. LOL There were so many GREAT qualities about my dad that I wish everyone would have gotten to see. There are so many more memories and stories that I could write out but then I would be at work ALL night. LOL He is going to be missed forever. May he rest in peace.
I love you daddy,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Box.
Today I went to a meeting for work. As I was FALLING asleep to the boring conversations of talk about: retention, percentages, enrolling students, referrals, and all other things that don't apply to my job ALL that much, we came to the end of the meeting. Our new campus director, Charlie, wanted to close it with a few words. I don't know him all that well, I just know he tranferred from somewhere and came to work for our FAB campus! LOL He then presented us with a slide show. It had pictures of where he was born, Vietnam. He stated, as everyone knows, that the war ended in 1975, the year he was born. He went into how he was homeless for the first 4 years of his life with his mother and 2 brothers. He then went into all the insecurities he had growing up from there. Not knowing his father for the first 6 years if his life because he was deep in the jungle, getting nothing more than D-'s on his report card but STILL graduating, learning English at the age of 16 and and getting better as each year came and went. After graduating he went to lunch with his father and his father thought he should become a mechanic because he was called almost last at his graduation for his low grades. The Box is a way for him to basically say, "step out of your box". All his insecurites, like everyone elses, should be confronted and defeated. I mean it sounds easier than it is, but he made it seem so simple.
I guess my point of this blog is, it made me think. We all have insecurities that need to be confronted. They come out in the wrong way. We blame others for them or become egomaniacs and try and control people THRU our insecurities. We all need to step outside our box and face everything. It just goes back to the book I have read called: Face the Fear...and Do It Anyways. We get scared, worried, feel low, and have shitty days. We need to wake up, smile, and make the best of life. Live one day at a time and just soak in the world.
Anyways, thats my time.
I guess my point of this blog is, it made me think. We all have insecurities that need to be confronted. They come out in the wrong way. We blame others for them or become egomaniacs and try and control people THRU our insecurities. We all need to step outside our box and face everything. It just goes back to the book I have read called: Face the Fear...and Do It Anyways. We get scared, worried, feel low, and have shitty days. We need to wake up, smile, and make the best of life. Live one day at a time and just soak in the world.
Anyways, thats my time.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Moving on...
I usually dont like to write ridiculous blogs, emails, or get in the middle of shit. I have been TRYING to steer CLEAR of things that could effect my moods and my life. I have been thru A LOT the past few weeks and I feel like I needa GOOD cleansing. So here it is:
WE ALL have more important things to worry about then who is talking SHIT about who. Yet, at SOME point in our lives we ALL gossip, we ALL open our mouths and ask "promise not to tell anyone"?, thinking that the person you CONFIDE in wont have someone CLOSE to them to tell YOUR secret to. SO, here it is nice and simple. STOP putting yourselves in situations that CAUSE DRAMA. There is NO NEED. We are ALL obviously NOT friends for one reason or another and it's NOT the end of the world. We grow apart, move on to other things in life and BECOME adults, (although lately it seems we are ALL GUILTY of acting otherwise). It's stupid. Everyone should stop running their mouths about EVERYONES business INCLUDING MINE. I have been thru TOO MUCH and would appreciate it if everyone could stop asking me if I AM OK, talking about my BF, and wondering what the FUCK I am doing. I dont worry about ANY of you because like i said, "I HAVE MORE important things to worry about and YOU ALL are NOT on my agenda." I am in a place where I WANT to be and IF I ever change my mind, ILL "HOLLER" at you and let you know.
WE ALL have more important things to worry about then who is talking SHIT about who. Yet, at SOME point in our lives we ALL gossip, we ALL open our mouths and ask "promise not to tell anyone"?, thinking that the person you CONFIDE in wont have someone CLOSE to them to tell YOUR secret to. SO, here it is nice and simple. STOP putting yourselves in situations that CAUSE DRAMA. There is NO NEED. We are ALL obviously NOT friends for one reason or another and it's NOT the end of the world. We grow apart, move on to other things in life and BECOME adults, (although lately it seems we are ALL GUILTY of acting otherwise). It's stupid. Everyone should stop running their mouths about EVERYONES business INCLUDING MINE. I have been thru TOO MUCH and would appreciate it if everyone could stop asking me if I AM OK, talking about my BF, and wondering what the FUCK I am doing. I dont worry about ANY of you because like i said, "I HAVE MORE important things to worry about and YOU ALL are NOT on my agenda." I am in a place where I WANT to be and IF I ever change my mind, ILL "HOLLER" at you and let you know.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
2 New Books
I have been reading A LOT more again lately to pass my time at work when I am NOT working. I have added 2 new books to my "book list". Those 2 new books are:

Feel The Fear....And Do It Anyway - I saw it at Borders and thought to myself, WHY NOT? I can always use a good self help book. It will always make me feel better and take a new perspective on life and things IN my life. So, I am starting that today. I think it also may be one of those books where you take notes. I'll let you know the outcome and IF all my fear went away and i DID IT ANYWAY. LOL.
The 2nd book is:

A Piece of Cake - I don't know why this one stood out to me. It may have been the sprinkles of pink, green, orange, and white on the cover or the fact that it was the last copy on the stand. Whatever it was, it made me WANT to buy it. It is about a woman named Cupcake Brown who goes thru a WHOLE shit load of drama. It says she stumbles into gangbanging, drug dealing, hustling, prostitution, theft, and eventually, the best scam of all: a seris of 9-to-5 jobs. LOL. Maybe it is because her name is Cupcake along with all the stuff that she has been thru that made me want to read her memoir but I am going to read it and let you know ALL about it. So, be prepared. LOL.
Well thats all so far. I'll get back to you. :) I love books. :)

Feel The Fear....And Do It Anyway - I saw it at Borders and thought to myself, WHY NOT? I can always use a good self help book. It will always make me feel better and take a new perspective on life and things IN my life. So, I am starting that today. I think it also may be one of those books where you take notes. I'll let you know the outcome and IF all my fear went away and i DID IT ANYWAY. LOL.
The 2nd book is:

A Piece of Cake - I don't know why this one stood out to me. It may have been the sprinkles of pink, green, orange, and white on the cover or the fact that it was the last copy on the stand. Whatever it was, it made me WANT to buy it. It is about a woman named Cupcake Brown who goes thru a WHOLE shit load of drama. It says she stumbles into gangbanging, drug dealing, hustling, prostitution, theft, and eventually, the best scam of all: a seris of 9-to-5 jobs. LOL. Maybe it is because her name is Cupcake along with all the stuff that she has been thru that made me want to read her memoir but I am going to read it and let you know ALL about it. So, be prepared. LOL.
Well thats all so far. I'll get back to you. :) I love books. :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Unreasonable Happiness
OK, so as most of you know, a few blogs back I told you all about the books that I wanted to read and see if they REALLY change my life. Well I just got done reading The Way of The Peaceful Warrior. Now, I have different thoughts about this book and it's meaning, all of which are good. It's about a guy Dan Millman, (the author), and an old "warrior" named Socrates that works at a gas station. This old warrior trains Dan even though he is an athlete and competes in the world of gymnastics. This training is pretty much "life training". They met in the dark of the night, become friends and then of course all throughout the book there is meaning of LIFE. There is a bit of romance, I dont want to give it away, but it's a happy ending. It's basically about the past, present and future. I marked some pages that I thought were meaningful to ME and I want to share them. So here it goes. Just a few quotes, this isnt going to be a book report! LOL
~Just as there are different interpretations of the past and many ways to change the present, there are anumber of possible futures.
~Consciousness in not IN the body; the body is IN the Consciousness. And you are the Consciousness.
~Everything has a purpose; it's for you to make the best use of it. There are no accidents. Everything is a lesson. Trust your life. Everything has a purpose.
~Don't get distracted by experiences. Experiences come and go.
~Any unconscious, compulsive ritual is a problem. When you sit, sit; when you stand, stand; whatever you do, don't wobble. Once you make your choice, do it with spirit. Don't be like the preacher who thought about praying while making love to his wife and thought about making love to his wife, while praying.
~Beneath all our apparent differences we share the same human needs and fears; we're all on the same path together, guiding one another. And this understanding brings compassion.
~There are NO ordinary moments
~Meditating an action is different from doing it. To do, there is a doer, a self-conscious 'someone' perfroming. But when you meditate an action, you've already released attachment to outcomes. There's no 'you' left to do it. In forgetting yourself, you become what you do, so your action is free, spontaneous, without ambition, inhibition, or fear.
~You've learned names and categories for everything. You've become bored with things because they only exist as names to you. The dry concepts of the mind obscure your direct perception.
~The time is NOW and the place is HERE.
~Action always happens in the present, because it is an expression of the body, which can only exist in the here and now. But the mind is like a phantom that lives only in the past or future. Its only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present. Stay in the present. It's safer.
~Love is the warriors sword; wherecer it cuts, it gives life, not death. Love is not something to be understood; it can only be lived.
~You cannot attain happiness; it attains you.
Now I know that without reading the actual BOOK, you can't fully understand the situation in which these words were used and why, but these quotes I think pretain to something in your life. To everyone reading. We all live and die but we don't use our time wisely. We don't love completely. We bullshit people and we lie, cheat, and steal. To me this book showed me that I need to STOP living in the PAST, focus on the PRESENT, so I have a wonderful FUTURE. If you dwell on things, you won't get much accomplished. If you worry and worry, you won't be happy because all that YOU are attaining is UNHAPPINESS and worry for yourself. Everyone should be as HAPPY as they can be.
My favorite quote from this WHOLE book was at the end and it made me tear up.
Dan said to Socrates:
~Some things and people are very difficult to love; it seems impossible to always feel Happy.
And Socrates said to Dan:
~Feelings change. Sometimes sorrow, sometimes joy. But beneath it all remember the innate perfection of your life unfolding. That is the secret to UNREASONABLE HAPPINESS.
So, with those words, this is the end. If you get a chance to read this book, please do so. It is great and you may take it differently then I have. I think it has everything to do with "Staying in the present. Its safer." :)
~Just as there are different interpretations of the past and many ways to change the present, there are anumber of possible futures.
~Consciousness in not IN the body; the body is IN the Consciousness. And you are the Consciousness.
~Everything has a purpose; it's for you to make the best use of it. There are no accidents. Everything is a lesson. Trust your life. Everything has a purpose.
~Don't get distracted by experiences. Experiences come and go.
~Any unconscious, compulsive ritual is a problem. When you sit, sit; when you stand, stand; whatever you do, don't wobble. Once you make your choice, do it with spirit. Don't be like the preacher who thought about praying while making love to his wife and thought about making love to his wife, while praying.
~Beneath all our apparent differences we share the same human needs and fears; we're all on the same path together, guiding one another. And this understanding brings compassion.
~There are NO ordinary moments
~Meditating an action is different from doing it. To do, there is a doer, a self-conscious 'someone' perfroming. But when you meditate an action, you've already released attachment to outcomes. There's no 'you' left to do it. In forgetting yourself, you become what you do, so your action is free, spontaneous, without ambition, inhibition, or fear.
~You've learned names and categories for everything. You've become bored with things because they only exist as names to you. The dry concepts of the mind obscure your direct perception.
~The time is NOW and the place is HERE.
~Action always happens in the present, because it is an expression of the body, which can only exist in the here and now. But the mind is like a phantom that lives only in the past or future. Its only power over you is to draw your attention out of the present. Stay in the present. It's safer.
~Love is the warriors sword; wherecer it cuts, it gives life, not death. Love is not something to be understood; it can only be lived.
~You cannot attain happiness; it attains you.
Now I know that without reading the actual BOOK, you can't fully understand the situation in which these words were used and why, but these quotes I think pretain to something in your life. To everyone reading. We all live and die but we don't use our time wisely. We don't love completely. We bullshit people and we lie, cheat, and steal. To me this book showed me that I need to STOP living in the PAST, focus on the PRESENT, so I have a wonderful FUTURE. If you dwell on things, you won't get much accomplished. If you worry and worry, you won't be happy because all that YOU are attaining is UNHAPPINESS and worry for yourself. Everyone should be as HAPPY as they can be.
My favorite quote from this WHOLE book was at the end and it made me tear up.
Dan said to Socrates:
~Some things and people are very difficult to love; it seems impossible to always feel Happy.
And Socrates said to Dan:
~Feelings change. Sometimes sorrow, sometimes joy. But beneath it all remember the innate perfection of your life unfolding. That is the secret to UNREASONABLE HAPPINESS.
So, with those words, this is the end. If you get a chance to read this book, please do so. It is great and you may take it differently then I have. I think it has everything to do with "Staying in the present. Its safer." :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Small summary
So, I finished Breaking Dawn a few days ago and have started reading one of my new books. Breaking Dawn was an entertaining book and I am glad that I read all 4 of the Twilight books. I would suggest that if you haven't read them, well, you should. Get on it. They will keep you UN-BORED. LOL. The new book that I have started to read is The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior. I am on Book 2 Chapter 4. It is a great book so far and has made me think a little here and there about life, my mind wandering, and Socrates. LOL. You just have to read it. I will get more in depth about it once I finish it. I am on page 93 and this book is only 212 pages long. Hopefully I should be done sooner than later. :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Las Vegas 2009
I guess I can say that I am starting to have some New Years resolutions on my mind. I didnt start the New Years off with ANY, so here it is:
One would be to Blog more, about ANYTHING. I am finding it easier to talk about random things here and there and add pictures. I enjoy it. It's fun and it helps everyone get to know ME and where I live better. :) I guess I am becoming successful at that, as you can tell. LOL.
Another one would be to READ MORE. I have that down already. I am finishing Breaking Dawn and then have a plethora of books that are waiting in line to be open, held, and bookmarked. I also have The Monster Book Of Sudoku that has been on my desk forever, which I KNOW is not a READING book but it keeps me busy... I shall get to finishing that ONCE I learn how to conquer the Moderate, Demanding, and then BEWARE! Very Challenging. LOL. I'll get back to you on those.
My last one which I AM trying harder at is taking more pictures... whether it be of my friends when we are out with my SHITTY or NICE camera. This weekend I am going to buy some filters and a ring flash for my Canon. I will test it out and see what happens.
So, about my weekend. I went out to Dino's with my besties! Everyone was there. By the pictures you would only think that Cherice, Me, and Gen were there but I PROMISE, there were other bodies there as well. :) LOL. I sang "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera.. Yeah, not so... Um, beautiful? LOL. I also did "Killing Me Softly" By The Fugees. Good stuff.

These next pictures are from The Wynn Hotel and Casino. Louis and I went there one day to drop off a friend at work and then ended up walking around and hanging out. We just wanted to act like tourists. That didnt last long. We came across the waterfall outside and started snapping pictures of us in front of it. It ended there. We walked back to my car to get in and leave....but...

For ME, it was a hot day BUT FOR LOUIS, he thought it was a BIT chilly. SOOO, I gave him my jacket. He didnt like how it fit. I, however, thought he looked adorable. I got a few good chuckles. LOL.

On the way HOME from the Strip there was this cool strange building that the city is adding on to MORE buildings SOON to come. We were driving past it and I thought it was cool. I had Louis snap the picture as we were in the turning lane. It's over at the World Market Center? I believe thats the name. A HUGE furniture store. I don't know what THIS has to do with furniture? ....but here it is. :)

AND, FINALLY LAST but NOT LEAST, over the weekend, Louis and I babysat for his sister. She has the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. His name is Adam. I love him. He was so good ALL night. I played baseball with him, dorve his car, and he even sat in my lap for a few to watch some SpongeBob. I thought you might get a kick out of how adorable he is. :)

That's all I got for you guys now but more to come. I promise! :)
One would be to Blog more, about ANYTHING. I am finding it easier to talk about random things here and there and add pictures. I enjoy it. It's fun and it helps everyone get to know ME and where I live better. :) I guess I am becoming successful at that, as you can tell. LOL.
Another one would be to READ MORE. I have that down already. I am finishing Breaking Dawn and then have a plethora of books that are waiting in line to be open, held, and bookmarked. I also have The Monster Book Of Sudoku that has been on my desk forever, which I KNOW is not a READING book but it keeps me busy... I shall get to finishing that ONCE I learn how to conquer the Moderate, Demanding, and then BEWARE! Very Challenging. LOL. I'll get back to you on those.
My last one which I AM trying harder at is taking more pictures... whether it be of my friends when we are out with my SHITTY or NICE camera. This weekend I am going to buy some filters and a ring flash for my Canon. I will test it out and see what happens.
So, about my weekend. I went out to Dino's with my besties! Everyone was there. By the pictures you would only think that Cherice, Me, and Gen were there but I PROMISE, there were other bodies there as well. :) LOL. I sang "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera.. Yeah, not so... Um, beautiful? LOL. I also did "Killing Me Softly" By The Fugees. Good stuff.

These next pictures are from The Wynn Hotel and Casino. Louis and I went there one day to drop off a friend at work and then ended up walking around and hanging out. We just wanted to act like tourists. That didnt last long. We came across the waterfall outside and started snapping pictures of us in front of it. It ended there. We walked back to my car to get in and leave....but...

For ME, it was a hot day BUT FOR LOUIS, he thought it was a BIT chilly. SOOO, I gave him my jacket. He didnt like how it fit. I, however, thought he looked adorable. I got a few good chuckles. LOL.

On the way HOME from the Strip there was this cool strange building that the city is adding on to MORE buildings SOON to come. We were driving past it and I thought it was cool. I had Louis snap the picture as we were in the turning lane. It's over at the World Market Center? I believe thats the name. A HUGE furniture store. I don't know what THIS has to do with furniture? ....but here it is. :)

AND, FINALLY LAST but NOT LEAST, over the weekend, Louis and I babysat for his sister. She has the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. His name is Adam. I love him. He was so good ALL night. I played baseball with him, dorve his car, and he even sat in my lap for a few to watch some SpongeBob. I thought you might get a kick out of how adorable he is. :)

That's all I got for you guys now but more to come. I promise! :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
2 More books to add.
It's Friday. I am TIRED as usual, and I am happy that the weekend is here! I have had my coffee for the morning, finished my weekly newsletter that I do, and I am calmly waiting for someone to call me up to the front to sit there and READ. So, I am up to page 554 in Breaking Dawn. I have EXACTLY 200 pages to go. It's getting better and I cannot put this book down. I haven't really been working, (I mean there isn't MUCH for me to do right now anyways), and I have just been reading, reading, reading. Since I am ALMOST done, I am excited about starting my other books as well. :) I have added 2 to my list and I wanted to share.

Digital Photography For Dummies - I saw this book at Target in the DOLLAR section. It's small, SIMPLE and seems to be easy to understand. I like easy. LOL. As most of you KNOW, I am however wanting to BE A PHOTOGRAPHER, so ANYTHING helps. :) It should tell me basically things that I already know, but then some.

Why Men Love Bitches - Why DO men love bitches? I don't know but I am going to find out. It's weird that us girls WANT the nice guy. The ones that open doors for us, buy us flowers for NO REASON at all, and make us giddy and blush with every look or touch.. BUT then we want ALL of that, PLUS we want them to act like COMPLETE assholes as well and keep US on our toes. Act like they care. We want the men that are confident and nice at the same time. The ones that DON'T take it TOO far but far enough. Maybe this book is the same but for MEN. I am sure most of you have read it so I am catching up with the times. It's been in my car FOR-EVEEER and I havent gotten around to even opening the first page. I am sure it goes on about how guys WANT a nice girl they can take home to MOMMY, but also the girl thats going to be a comeplete and UTTER BITCH, to make their lives more interesting. To keep THEM on their toes. To fight with them and to stand up for themselves when NEEDED. Guys want the same things that girls want. A confident woman, but not TOO confident. A girl thats going to make them feel butterflies and giddy just like they make us. I don't know. I am going to read it and see if my THEORY is right. LOL. Ill get back to you.

Digital Photography For Dummies - I saw this book at Target in the DOLLAR section. It's small, SIMPLE and seems to be easy to understand. I like easy. LOL. As most of you KNOW, I am however wanting to BE A PHOTOGRAPHER, so ANYTHING helps. :) It should tell me basically things that I already know, but then some.

Why Men Love Bitches - Why DO men love bitches? I don't know but I am going to find out. It's weird that us girls WANT the nice guy. The ones that open doors for us, buy us flowers for NO REASON at all, and make us giddy and blush with every look or touch.. BUT then we want ALL of that, PLUS we want them to act like COMPLETE assholes as well and keep US on our toes. Act like they care. We want the men that are confident and nice at the same time. The ones that DON'T take it TOO far but far enough. Maybe this book is the same but for MEN. I am sure most of you have read it so I am catching up with the times. It's been in my car FOR-EVEEER and I havent gotten around to even opening the first page. I am sure it goes on about how guys WANT a nice girl they can take home to MOMMY, but also the girl thats going to be a comeplete and UTTER BITCH, to make their lives more interesting. To keep THEM on their toes. To fight with them and to stand up for themselves when NEEDED. Guys want the same things that girls want. A confident woman, but not TOO confident. A girl thats going to make them feel butterflies and giddy just like they make us. I don't know. I am going to read it and see if my THEORY is right. LOL. Ill get back to you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Photography from MY eye.
I went to San Diego in November with my boyfriend Louis. We went to the beach and took some pictures. I just have a few that I would like to share. Not MANY but a few. I think that I did a good job at capturing the waves, sunset, and especially SHAMU! I put this first picture in another BLOG, but thats ok. :) Enjoy.

This was honestly one of my favorite pictures from the trip! I couldn't keep my camera out too long because we were in the SOAK ZONE!
The rest of these are just from the beach. We had an amazing time there and we cannot wait to go back!

Sometimes getting out of Las Vegas is magical. I wish I could surf and live at the beach. I'd be a lot more tan.

This was honestly one of my favorite pictures from the trip! I couldn't keep my camera out too long because we were in the SOAK ZONE!
The rest of these are just from the beach. We had an amazing time there and we cannot wait to go back!

Sometimes getting out of Las Vegas is magical. I wish I could surf and live at the beach. I'd be a lot more tan.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
This is a just a short blog today. No pictures. Nothing special. Just that I was looking around on different photoblogs and these photographers are amazing. I want to be JUST as amazing. I WILL be JUST as amazing one day. I need to travel more and get the hell out of Vegas so I can take better pictures. More scenery, more beauty. How many times can you photograph the strip full of LAME tourists and drunk bums? Or the desert? It gets old. I need new surroundings. New material. Ill do what I can for now. BUT SOMEDAY, it's gonna be me taking over the world. LOL.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I want to read more Inspirational books. More Non-Fiction books that will have SOME sort of impact on my life. To make me change. To make me a better person. To make me apprecaite life more. Not that I don't already but I want to make the best of life and start living more. Doing more spontaneous things, taking more pictures, and doing whatever the hell I want, without someone getting mad, getting irritated, or getting annoyed.
I have a few books that I plan on reading right AFTER, I get done with the 4th and FINAL book of the seris "Twilight". I like it, it's a good seris and I would recommend it to anyone. I am not a Fiction Book reader usually BUT I must say, these books are entertaining and I enjoy them. I have on my list as of now:

1. The Peaceful Warrior - Louis gave it to me and said that it is a great book and I should read it. It says on the cover that it changes life. I want that, SO I shall read and see if it does INFACT, change my life.

2. The Alchemist - I want to read this because I went to a photography seminar with the one and only, Matthew Jordan Smith. He was VERY inspirational to me and he gave everyone a list of 3 books that we should read and a shit load of notes on how to be a better photographer. I am starting with this one. Ill let you know how it turns out.

3. Eat, Pray, Love - I lent it to my mom and I am planning on getting it back and finishing it. This is also ANOTHER book that I have heard was very good and is a MUST READ.

4. Don't Sweat The Samll Stuff - This is another one that Louis had and let me borrow. I want to read about the little things that people get upset about and make people crazy. I know that there are times when I SWEAT the small stuff and I KNOW that I shouldn't. So, I am going to read it and try not to sweat AS MUCH. LOL.

5. Tuesday with Morrie - I have a little clue of what this is about but, it looks interesting, so read it, I shall.

6. A book about Buddah - I don't know what made me buy this one BUT I wanted something that I wouldnt usually read. I am not a reigious person nor do I go to church. Sometimes I don't even think that I believe in this so called "God" in the sky. It just seems weird that there is SO many different organized religions and they are ALL the right ones to follow. I don't know, maybe I just need to be more open-minded about things and read as much as I can. I like to be edjumacated. LOL.
I also read a book last year called "what Happy Woman Want". I took LOTS of notes and even hung most of them up in my OLD cube. It was a good read. So, if anyone wants a good book to read, that one is FOR SURE.
So read, read, read. I have SO much spare time lately at work that, thats ALL I want to do BESIDES take a photo journal of my everyday life. It's fun. Gives me something to do each day. So, I am going to start on Breaking Dawn again. 748 pages in this book and I am on page, 131. Yikes.
I have a few books that I plan on reading right AFTER, I get done with the 4th and FINAL book of the seris "Twilight". I like it, it's a good seris and I would recommend it to anyone. I am not a Fiction Book reader usually BUT I must say, these books are entertaining and I enjoy them. I have on my list as of now:

1. The Peaceful Warrior - Louis gave it to me and said that it is a great book and I should read it. It says on the cover that it changes life. I want that, SO I shall read and see if it does INFACT, change my life.

2. The Alchemist - I want to read this because I went to a photography seminar with the one and only, Matthew Jordan Smith. He was VERY inspirational to me and he gave everyone a list of 3 books that we should read and a shit load of notes on how to be a better photographer. I am starting with this one. Ill let you know how it turns out.

3. Eat, Pray, Love - I lent it to my mom and I am planning on getting it back and finishing it. This is also ANOTHER book that I have heard was very good and is a MUST READ.

4. Don't Sweat The Samll Stuff - This is another one that Louis had and let me borrow. I want to read about the little things that people get upset about and make people crazy. I know that there are times when I SWEAT the small stuff and I KNOW that I shouldn't. So, I am going to read it and try not to sweat AS MUCH. LOL.

5. Tuesday with Morrie - I have a little clue of what this is about but, it looks interesting, so read it, I shall.

6. A book about Buddah - I don't know what made me buy this one BUT I wanted something that I wouldnt usually read. I am not a reigious person nor do I go to church. Sometimes I don't even think that I believe in this so called "God" in the sky. It just seems weird that there is SO many different organized religions and they are ALL the right ones to follow. I don't know, maybe I just need to be more open-minded about things and read as much as I can. I like to be edjumacated. LOL.
I also read a book last year called "what Happy Woman Want". I took LOTS of notes and even hung most of them up in my OLD cube. It was a good read. So, if anyone wants a good book to read, that one is FOR SURE.
So read, read, read. I have SO much spare time lately at work that, thats ALL I want to do BESIDES take a photo journal of my everyday life. It's fun. Gives me something to do each day. So, I am going to start on Breaking Dawn again. 748 pages in this book and I am on page, 131. Yikes.
Monday, January 12, 2009
80's Prom Party.
So, most of you know, Cherice's 80's Prom Party was on Saturday night. She was the Prom Queen of 1982. It was AWESOME. We all got dressed up, went to The Spazmatics at The Southpoint, (which is a band that does nothing but covers of 80's songs) and had WAY too much fun! There was drinking, dancing, and lots of spazing, I guess you can say. So enjoy the pictures!
We started at Cherice's house getting ready, putting on our corsage's and heading out for the best 80's night EVER! I love my Tripod!


The SNOB of the NIGHT. LOL

After we left Cherice's house we got to the Southpoint and danced, danced, danced! Gotta love the crazy girls/guys I hang out with!

We ended the night at our favorite Karaoke Bar! Dino's, where Cherice and Robby did a SWEET rendition of "Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa!

Then we had Kisha and Britta do "I Think We're Alone Now! They werent ALONE though. Cherice and I danced while they sang!

Good Times! I had an amzing time with all my peeps. Louis, my one and only LOVE, Cherice and Marte, my TRIPOD FO EVA! Tammie, Gen, Christine, and Jessica the biggest WHORES I KNOW, Robby, Flock of Seagulls, James the C-O-O-O-O-L-L-L-L Rider, and of course the girls that are out sidekicks! LOL. Kisha, Britta, Janeth, Natalie and Jill! Thanks for making it a good night. :)
We started at Cherice's house getting ready, putting on our corsage's and heading out for the best 80's night EVER! I love my Tripod!


The SNOB of the NIGHT. LOL

After we left Cherice's house we got to the Southpoint and danced, danced, danced! Gotta love the crazy girls/guys I hang out with!

We ended the night at our favorite Karaoke Bar! Dino's, where Cherice and Robby did a SWEET rendition of "Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa!

Then we had Kisha and Britta do "I Think We're Alone Now! They werent ALONE though. Cherice and I danced while they sang!

Good Times! I had an amzing time with all my peeps. Louis, my one and only LOVE, Cherice and Marte, my TRIPOD FO EVA! Tammie, Gen, Christine, and Jessica the biggest WHORES I KNOW, Robby, Flock of Seagulls, James the C-O-O-O-O-L-L-L-L Rider, and of course the girls that are out sidekicks! LOL. Kisha, Britta, Janeth, Natalie and Jill! Thanks for making it a good night. :)
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