Monday, November 16, 2009

Well, I felt like writing a BLOG and I am not sure why... right now at 5:06am? I can tell you this much, I am wide awake from the coffee I INHALED and the Bagel Bites that filled me up. I have SO many thoughts running through my head ALL the time that I never know where to begin with these things.... so I have a journal that I write ANY thought I am having, down. ANY thought... for example. How I am cold. How I feel about people, how I miss my dad... and so on and so forth... It's for me and it helps. If I want to go back and read ANYTHING that I was thinking about on a particular day, I can. There are other things in there that are personal, but I can't always write EVERYTHING I feel in here. People may be upset. Lol.

I was going through some pictures the other day and I came across the photo that I JUST took of Farley. He JUST turned 5 in Sept and his age is showing. I hope he is around for a LONG time. I DO NOT think that I will be able to handle him NOT being here but when that day comes, Ill deal.. take a week off work and cry myself to sleep EVERY NIGHT. Lol.. Anyways, here it is:

Here is another favorite of mine:

You may have seen these on my Myspace or Facebook but I wanted to share them with those of you who I don't know. :)



  1. You better not be talking shit about ME in your little journal, MARGARET!! :)

    I love you. And I love Farley!

  2. NOOOO! I am not talking ahit about ANYONE, it's just an EXAMPLE! Lol.. Well Farley loves you too hooker. Lol.

  3. So cute. I've always wanted a dog. But I know I don't have the time to give it the love that it needs. Someday!

  4. Awww! Well IF you do, get a MINPIN! You will MAKE TIME because they will make you EXTREMELY HAPPY!
