I have a few books that I plan on reading right AFTER, I get done with the 4th and FINAL book of the seris "Twilight". I like it, it's a good seris and I would recommend it to anyone. I am not a Fiction Book reader usually BUT I must say, these books are entertaining and I enjoy them. I have on my list as of now:

1. The Peaceful Warrior - Louis gave it to me and said that it is a great book and I should read it. It says on the cover that it changes life. I want that, SO I shall read and see if it does INFACT, change my life.

2. The Alchemist - I want to read this because I went to a photography seminar with the one and only, Matthew Jordan Smith. He was VERY inspirational to me and he gave everyone a list of 3 books that we should read and a shit load of notes on how to be a better photographer. I am starting with this one. Ill let you know how it turns out.

3. Eat, Pray, Love - I lent it to my mom and I am planning on getting it back and finishing it. This is also ANOTHER book that I have heard was very good and is a MUST READ.

4. Don't Sweat The Samll Stuff - This is another one that Louis had and let me borrow. I want to read about the little things that people get upset about and make people crazy. I know that there are times when I SWEAT the small stuff and I KNOW that I shouldn't. So, I am going to read it and try not to sweat AS MUCH. LOL.

5. Tuesday with Morrie - I have a little clue of what this is about but, it looks interesting, so read it, I shall.

6. A book about Buddah - I don't know what made me buy this one BUT I wanted something that I wouldnt usually read. I am not a reigious person nor do I go to church. Sometimes I don't even think that I believe in this so called "God" in the sky. It just seems weird that there is SO many different organized religions and they are ALL the right ones to follow. I don't know, maybe I just need to be more open-minded about things and read as much as I can. I like to be edjumacated. LOL.
I also read a book last year called "what Happy Woman Want". I took LOTS of notes and even hung most of them up in my OLD cube. It was a good read. So, if anyone wants a good book to read, that one is FOR SURE.
So read, read, read. I have SO much spare time lately at work that, thats ALL I want to do BESIDES take a photo journal of my everyday life. It's fun. Gives me something to do each day. So, I am going to start on Breaking Dawn again. 748 pages in this book and I am on page, 131. Yikes.
HELLO WHORE... M to the R-TAY here. I am trying to read more too...
ReplyDeletei picked up 2 books the other day. one is called "THE MIND OF THE SOUL-responsible choice"
it talks about everything in life being a CHOICE, and how to know whether to persist in old patterns or experiment with new potential.
it talks about changing yourself instead of blaming others... so i think it will be a good read. (its by Gary Zukav if you care)
and then i picked up another book on the Law of Attraction... you know how i live that shit....