Digital Photography For Dummies - I saw this book at Target in the DOLLAR section. It's small, SIMPLE and seems to be easy to understand. I like easy. LOL. As most of you KNOW, I am however wanting to BE A PHOTOGRAPHER, so ANYTHING helps. :) It should tell me basically things that I already know, but then some.

Why Men Love Bitches - Why DO men love bitches? I don't know but I am going to find out. It's weird that us girls WANT the nice guy. The ones that open doors for us, buy us flowers for NO REASON at all, and make us giddy and blush with every look or touch.. BUT then we want ALL of that, PLUS we want them to act like COMPLETE assholes as well and keep US on our toes. Act like they care. We want the men that are confident and nice at the same time. The ones that DON'T take it TOO far but far enough. Maybe this book is the same but for MEN. I am sure most of you have read it so I am catching up with the times. It's been in my car FOR-EVEEER and I havent gotten around to even opening the first page. I am sure it goes on about how guys WANT a nice girl they can take home to MOMMY, but also the girl thats going to be a comeplete and UTTER BITCH, to make their lives more interesting. To keep THEM on their toes. To fight with them and to stand up for themselves when NEEDED. Guys want the same things that girls want. A confident woman, but not TOO confident. A girl thats going to make them feel butterflies and giddy just like they make us. I don't know. I am going to read it and see if my THEORY is right. LOL. Ill get back to you.
hmmm...for some reason, that was not the idea I had when I first read the title of that book (Why Men Love Bitches), but I do think you are onto something. I was thinking a little more perverted I guess, but that wouldn't make sense. I don't know what I am talking about. lol. I think I would rather read the Digital Photography for Dummies. I actually really need the regular Photography for Dummies cause I want to learn how to use this old camera I have.