Monday, January 26, 2009

Las Vegas 2009

I guess I can say that I am starting to have some New Years resolutions on my mind. I didnt start the New Years off with ANY, so here it is:

One would be to Blog more, about ANYTHING. I am finding it easier to talk about random things here and there and add pictures. I enjoy it. It's fun and it helps everyone get to know ME and where I live better. :) I guess I am becoming successful at that, as you can tell. LOL.

Another one would be to READ MORE. I have that down already. I am finishing Breaking Dawn and then have a plethora of books that are waiting in line to be open, held, and bookmarked. I also have The Monster Book Of Sudoku that has been on my desk forever, which I KNOW is not a READING book but it keeps me busy... I shall get to finishing that ONCE I learn how to conquer the Moderate, Demanding, and then BEWARE! Very Challenging. LOL. I'll get back to you on those.

My last one which I AM trying harder at is taking more pictures... whether it be of my friends when we are out with my SHITTY or NICE camera. This weekend I am going to buy some filters and a ring flash for my Canon. I will test it out and see what happens.

So, about my weekend. I went out to Dino's with my besties! Everyone was there. By the pictures you would only think that Cherice, Me, and Gen were there but I PROMISE, there were other bodies there as well. :) LOL. I sang "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera.. Yeah, not so... Um, beautiful? LOL. I also did "Killing Me Softly" By The Fugees. Good stuff.

These next pictures are from The Wynn Hotel and Casino. Louis and I went there one day to drop off a friend at work and then ended up walking around and hanging out. We just wanted to act like tourists. That didnt last long. We came across the waterfall outside and started snapping pictures of us in front of it. It ended there. We walked back to my car to get in and leave....but...

For ME, it was a hot day BUT FOR LOUIS, he thought it was a BIT chilly. SOOO, I gave him my jacket. He didnt like how it fit. I, however, thought he looked adorable. I got a few good chuckles. LOL.

On the way HOME from the Strip there was this cool strange building that the city is adding on to MORE buildings SOON to come. We were driving past it and I thought it was cool. I had Louis snap the picture as we were in the turning lane. It's over at the World Market Center? I believe thats the name. A HUGE furniture store. I don't know what THIS has to do with furniture? ....but here it is. :)

AND, FINALLY LAST but NOT LEAST, over the weekend, Louis and I babysat for his sister. She has the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. His name is Adam. I love him. He was so good ALL night. I played baseball with him, dorve his car, and he even sat in my lap for a few to watch some SpongeBob. I thought you might get a kick out of how adorable he is. :)

That's all I got for you guys now but more to come. I promise! :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

2 More books to add.

It's Friday. I am TIRED as usual, and I am happy that the weekend is here! I have had my coffee for the morning, finished my weekly newsletter that I do, and I am calmly waiting for someone to call me up to the front to sit there and READ. So, I am up to page 554 in Breaking Dawn. I have EXACTLY 200 pages to go. It's getting better and I cannot put this book down. I haven't really been working, (I mean there isn't MUCH for me to do right now anyways), and I have just been reading, reading, reading. Since I am ALMOST done, I am excited about starting my other books as well. :) I have added 2 to my list and I wanted to share.

Digital Photography For Dummies - I saw this book at Target in the DOLLAR section. It's small, SIMPLE and seems to be easy to understand. I like easy. LOL. As most of you KNOW, I am however wanting to BE A PHOTOGRAPHER, so ANYTHING helps. :) It should tell me basically things that I already know, but then some.

Why Men Love Bitches - Why DO men love bitches? I don't know but I am going to find out. It's weird that us girls WANT the nice guy. The ones that open doors for us, buy us flowers for NO REASON at all, and make us giddy and blush with every look or touch.. BUT then we want ALL of that, PLUS we want them to act like COMPLETE assholes as well and keep US on our toes. Act like they care. We want the men that are confident and nice at the same time. The ones that DON'T take it TOO far but far enough. Maybe this book is the same but for MEN. I am sure most of you have read it so I am catching up with the times. It's been in my car FOR-EVEEER and I havent gotten around to even opening the first page. I am sure it goes on about how guys WANT a nice girl they can take home to MOMMY, but also the girl thats going to be a comeplete and UTTER BITCH, to make their lives more interesting. To keep THEM on their toes. To fight with them and to stand up for themselves when NEEDED. Guys want the same things that girls want. A confident woman, but not TOO confident. A girl thats going to make them feel butterflies and giddy just like they make us. I don't know. I am going to read it and see if my THEORY is right. LOL. Ill get back to you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Photography from MY eye.

I went to San Diego in November with my boyfriend Louis. We went to the beach and took some pictures. I just have a few that I would like to share. Not MANY but a few. I think that I did a good job at capturing the waves, sunset, and especially SHAMU! I put this first picture in another BLOG, but thats ok. :) Enjoy.

This was honestly one of my favorite pictures from the trip! I couldn't keep my camera out too long because we were in the SOAK ZONE!

The rest of these are just from the beach. We had an amazing time there and we cannot wait to go back!

Sometimes getting out of Las Vegas is magical. I wish I could surf and live at the beach. I'd be a lot more tan.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


This is a just a short blog today. No pictures. Nothing special. Just that I was looking around on different photoblogs and these photographers are amazing. I want to be JUST as amazing. I WILL be JUST as amazing one day. I need to travel more and get the hell out of Vegas so I can take better pictures. More scenery, more beauty. How many times can you photograph the strip full of LAME tourists and drunk bums? Or the desert? It gets old. I need new surroundings. New material. Ill do what I can for now. BUT SOMEDAY, it's gonna be me taking over the world. LOL.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I want to read more Inspirational books. More Non-Fiction books that will have SOME sort of impact on my life. To make me change. To make me a better person. To make me apprecaite life more. Not that I don't already but I want to make the best of life and start living more. Doing more spontaneous things, taking more pictures, and doing whatever the hell I want, without someone getting mad, getting irritated, or getting annoyed.

I have a few books that I plan on reading right AFTER, I get done with the 4th and FINAL book of the seris "Twilight". I like it, it's a good seris and I would recommend it to anyone. I am not a Fiction Book reader usually BUT I must say, these books are entertaining and I enjoy them. I have on my list as of now:

1. The Peaceful Warrior - Louis gave it to me and said that it is a great book and I should read it. It says on the cover that it changes life. I want that, SO I shall read and see if it does INFACT, change my life.

2. The Alchemist - I want to read this because I went to a photography seminar with the one and only, Matthew Jordan Smith. He was VERY inspirational to me and he gave everyone a list of 3 books that we should read and a shit load of notes on how to be a better photographer. I am starting with this one. Ill let you know how it turns out.

3. Eat, Pray, Love - I lent it to my mom and I am planning on getting it back and finishing it. This is also ANOTHER book that I have heard was very good and is a MUST READ.

4. Don't Sweat The Samll Stuff - This is another one that Louis had and let me borrow. I want to read about the little things that people get upset about and make people crazy. I know that there are times when I SWEAT the small stuff and I KNOW that I shouldn't. So, I am going to read it and try not to sweat AS MUCH. LOL.

5. Tuesday with Morrie - I have a little clue of what this is about but, it looks interesting, so read it, I shall.

6. A book about Buddah - I don't know what made me buy this one BUT I wanted something that I wouldnt usually read. I am not a reigious person nor do I go to church. Sometimes I don't even think that I believe in this so called "God" in the sky. It just seems weird that there is SO many different organized religions and they are ALL the right ones to follow. I don't know, maybe I just need to be more open-minded about things and read as much as I can. I like to be edjumacated. LOL.

I also read a book last year called "what Happy Woman Want". I took LOTS of notes and even hung most of them up in my OLD cube. It was a good read. So, if anyone wants a good book to read, that one is FOR SURE.

So read, read, read. I have SO much spare time lately at work that, thats ALL I want to do BESIDES take a photo journal of my everyday life. It's fun. Gives me something to do each day. So, I am going to start on Breaking Dawn again. 748 pages in this book and I am on page, 131. Yikes.

Monday, January 12, 2009

80's Prom Party.

So, most of you know, Cherice's 80's Prom Party was on Saturday night. She was the Prom Queen of 1982. It was AWESOME. We all got dressed up, went to The Spazmatics at The Southpoint, (which is a band that does nothing but covers of 80's songs) and had WAY too much fun! There was drinking, dancing, and lots of spazing, I guess you can say. So enjoy the pictures!

We started at Cherice's house getting ready, putting on our corsage's and heading out for the best 80's night EVER! I love my Tripod!


The SNOB of the NIGHT. LOL

After we left Cherice's house we got to the Southpoint and danced, danced, danced! Gotta love the crazy girls/guys I hang out with!

We ended the night at our favorite Karaoke Bar! Dino's, where Cherice and Robby did a SWEET rendition of "Shoop" by Salt-N-Pepa!

Then we had Kisha and Britta do "I Think We're Alone Now! They werent ALONE though. Cherice and I danced while they sang!

Good Times! I had an amzing time with all my peeps. Louis, my one and only LOVE, Cherice and Marte, my TRIPOD FO EVA! Tammie, Gen, Christine, and Jessica the biggest WHORES I KNOW, Robby, Flock of Seagulls, James the C-O-O-O-O-L-L-L-L Rider, and of course the girls that are out sidekicks! LOL. Kisha, Britta, Janeth, Natalie and Jill! Thanks for making it a good night. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

HARD WORK, but someone has to do it....

So, my best friends all put money together and bought me an IPOD for my 25th birthday! They even got my FAVORITE color AND it's engraved with Happy Birthday Magnificent! You can kind of see it in the pictures. Now I am addicted, thanks to my boyfriend's brother who put almost 800 songs on it. I listen to it when I am working, when I go to the bathroom, in my car, and even sometimes when I am the phone. I just turn it down. Hey... I can multitask. LOL.

Now, I dont know if all of you KNOW, but I have a 9-5 job at The University Of Phoenix. This is what my cube looks like. I know, I know, SO many pictures and thats not even half of the ones I still have sitting in a drawer! They have moved me for the UMPTEENTH time and so sometimes I get scared to really call this cube "HOME" for the simple fact that they move me to GUAM sometime soon... Plus, it's hard to hang them all up when you can't use TACKS! Damn cube clips. They suck. These are pictures of the ones I love, consider my BEST FRIENDS, and of course my FAMILY. :) Ill add more pictures sooner than later.

After listening to my AMAZING IPOD all day and working SO HARD, LOL, sometimes this sweet Diabetic needs a nap...