One would be to Blog more, about ANYTHING. I am finding it easier to talk about random things here and there and add pictures. I enjoy it. It's fun and it helps everyone get to know ME and where I live better. :) I guess I am becoming successful at that, as you can tell. LOL.
Another one would be to READ MORE. I have that down already. I am finishing Breaking Dawn and then have a plethora of books that are waiting in line to be open, held, and bookmarked. I also have The Monster Book Of Sudoku that has been on my desk forever, which I KNOW is not a READING book but it keeps me busy... I shall get to finishing that ONCE I learn how to conquer the Moderate, Demanding, and then BEWARE! Very Challenging. LOL. I'll get back to you on those.
My last one which I AM trying harder at is taking more pictures... whether it be of my friends when we are out with my SHITTY or NICE camera. This weekend I am going to buy some filters and a ring flash for my Canon. I will test it out and see what happens.
So, about my weekend. I went out to Dino's with my besties! Everyone was there. By the pictures you would only think that Cherice, Me, and Gen were there but I PROMISE, there were other bodies there as well. :) LOL. I sang "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera.. Yeah, not so... Um, beautiful? LOL. I also did "Killing Me Softly" By The Fugees. Good stuff.

These next pictures are from The Wynn Hotel and Casino. Louis and I went there one day to drop off a friend at work and then ended up walking around and hanging out. We just wanted to act like tourists. That didnt last long. We came across the waterfall outside and started snapping pictures of us in front of it. It ended there. We walked back to my car to get in and leave....but...

For ME, it was a hot day BUT FOR LOUIS, he thought it was a BIT chilly. SOOO, I gave him my jacket. He didnt like how it fit. I, however, thought he looked adorable. I got a few good chuckles. LOL.

On the way HOME from the Strip there was this cool strange building that the city is adding on to MORE buildings SOON to come. We were driving past it and I thought it was cool. I had Louis snap the picture as we were in the turning lane. It's over at the World Market Center? I believe thats the name. A HUGE furniture store. I don't know what THIS has to do with furniture? ....but here it is. :)

AND, FINALLY LAST but NOT LEAST, over the weekend, Louis and I babysat for his sister. She has the CUTEST baby I have ever seen. His name is Adam. I love him. He was so good ALL night. I played baseball with him, dorve his car, and he even sat in my lap for a few to watch some SpongeBob. I thought you might get a kick out of how adorable he is. :)

That's all I got for you guys now but more to come. I promise! :)