The Holidays are here and they are the first ones without my dad. We ALL miss him and it's hard to imagine when we all sit down to eat our Thanksgiving dinner, he wont be there stuffing his face with PIE, even before the BIG MEAL gets set up. I know it will be VERY tough on my mom along with the rest of the family, near or far. I just hope everyone is open to talk about him and share memories even if it's hard. I know I want to and I will. :)
I was just sitting at work and I wanted to tell everyone what I am THANKFUL for this year even though it's been a VERY rough year for me and others in the world, AND we should ALL hate 2009! I am sure most of you do but here it goes anyways....
This YEAR I am thanksful for:
*My family.

I love my brother, Travis, his wife, Amanda and ESPECIALLY my mom, Marilyn. Since everything has happened I feel like we have all became a BIT closer and tried as hard as we could to make things a bit happier around the house. I appreciate them ALL, whether there is fighting, hard times, rough times, and great times. They help me in their own little ways. :) RIP Daddy. :(
*The money that I HAVE made at my new job
*Nail Polish
*My clouded thoughts at times, they help me think.
*Good choices and Bad choices, they have made me who I am today.
*My journal. It helps, believe me.
*Pictures, like I have said, they help me remember.
*My cell phone and TEXTING.. I am ALWAYS texting!
*MY BFF Marte. (and her ability to shoot GREAT photos..Lol).. I am joking. :)

We have had CRAZY, wild, and AMAZING nights out. Even if it was INSIDE one of our houses with drunk bitches and chicken dip, going out, at a pool, bar hopping, or New Years with CRAZY MEN, Lol, she has ALWAYS been and will ALWAYS be the greatest friend I have ever had. She doesnt judge me when I do something irresponsible. She is ALWAYS by my side. Ready to get in trouble, stay OUT of trouble or beat girls up and take their cameras. Lol. I am thankful that I met her and got to know her as well as I do. I love her for her personality, her long, flowing Martaylor Kardashian hair, lol, and her amount of confidence, love, and respect she has in herself and finds in others. She has given bad, good, and GREAT advice to me and I took it however I could at the time. She has helped me through GREAT times and the WORST times of my life. She has been the shoulder for me to cry on and the ear to listen to ALL my problems when I had an UNFAIR amount, at one point in my life...and believe me it was ROUGH.. I am thankful for her and her CUNT-ISH ways and always will be. Lol. :) Martitty I love you. (CC) FO' LIFE. Lol.
*Alcohol, lol, sometimes I like to forget things, but then take it too far...and in that case:
*My dog Farley.

He helps me remember that life should be a bit more happier. He is always wagging his tail and stuffing his face. We should learn more from how our animals act. :)
*Thanksgiving and all the food that it brings.
*Love letters
*My past, it helped me become who I am today.
*Books. I LOVE to read
*Cooking classes, (Kerry?)...Lol
*Bubble wrap..I think its FUN!
*Coffee, because it helps me stay awake to write this stuff... Lol.
*Spongebob, cause he ALSO helps me stay awake.
*ALLLLL of my friends. You know who you are. You know what each one of you bring to the table in our friendship and I love you all.
*The moment I open my eyes from a long night/morning of sleep. I know that I made it to another day.
*Diet coke
*The gym, even though I NEVER go, but I will try and make it a point to start.
*Subway, cause sometimes its better to eat fresh.
*Sushi. Yum.
*Softbaked cookies.
*The smell of Pumpkin Pie in the oven.
*etc, etc, etc.....
I could go on and on.. I am thankful for a lot and my list may start to BORE you, OR make you smile. I think I have made a point. Lol.
Thank you all for reading and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.