I am.... the bombdotcom. Either love me or hate me.
I think.... people are too nosy and should mind their business a lot more than they do.
I should... follow my heart ALWAYS regardless of the people around me. Only "I" can make myself happy.
I dream... of Jeanie.
I want... to be happy and spontaneous like I ALWAYS am.
I know... more than you think I do.
I don't like.... scary girls.
I smell.... like Soap & Glory ALL the time.
I hear.... a frog. (My text messages)
I fear.... Death. Diabetes. Vampires that are CRAZY. Lol.
I usually... play bejeweled when I am bored at work... I never seem to get the highest score.. I will try til I DIE though. Lol.
I search... the sky for shooting stars JUST so I can make a wish, whether it comes true or not, at least I tried.
I miss.... being young again. It was SO simple.
I always... try and see the glass half full rather than half empty. :)
I regret.... NOTHING. All the mistakes I have made, make me who I am today. Take it or leave it.
I wonder.... when Gossip Girl Season 3 comes out on DVD. Ill have to google it.
I crave.... coffee.sugar.food. ALL the time.
I remember... back in the day when I was young im not a kid anymore.
I need... to pay my car payment, do some laundry and take a shower when I get home.
I forget... A LOT of things. I have a million different thoughts running through my head ALL the time.
I feel... better.
I can.... do anything better than you.
I can't... wait til summer is over. I hate the heat.
I am happy... and nothing and NO ONE will shake me of that.
I lose... out on sleep more than I should!
I sing... Randomly. I LOVE to sing.
I listen... when you talk.
I shop... less and less. I am starting to save more and more, which makes me feel better. :)
I eat... EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. I am surprised I am not 400 pounds yet.
I love... you. <3